We are ready to
host you safely

Internal Protocol
This Sunlight House Internal Protocol aims to enlighten employees and guests about the latest security procedures implemented in response to minimizing the spread of the coronavirus.
All procedures described in this document have been tested by management in order to ensure the safety of all involved. If there is any doubt, you should contact the management, through the contacts available in the footer.
Management has posted informational signage relating to this Internal Safety Protocol and self-prevention and contamination control measures, in the BackOffice, in all rooms (information panel located on the bedroom door) and common areas of the building (affixed to the wall of each zone). Visitors and employees will have access to printed information regarding preventive security procedures and a contingency plan related to COVID-19 at the reception desk or online (on our website: www.SunlightHouse.pt/covid19 ).
All employees received technical training certified by Turismo de Portugal regarding the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak on 30 January 2022 and are informed about the internal Protocol to keep the space of this accommodation fully immaculate, in accordance with stricter infection prevention and control rules for the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak, including the following procedures:
hand hygiene: wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer that has at least 70° alcohol, covering all hand surfaces and rubbing them until dry.
respiratory label: cough or sneeze into the flexed forearm or wear a tissue, which should then be immediately thrown in the trash; always sanitize hands after coughing or sneezing and after blowing; avoid touching the eyes, nose and mouth with your hands.
social conduct: change the frequency and form of contact between workers and between them and customers, avoiding (where possible) close contact, handshakes, kisses, shared jobs, face-to-face meetings and sharing of food, utensils, glasses and towels.
How to comply with daily self-monitoring for fever assessment, cough check or difficulty breathing.
How to comply with the guidelines of the Directorate-General for Health for surface cleaning and laundry treatment in establishments.
It is mandatory to wear a mask and/or visor in the common areas of the building.
All staff are properly equipped with a mask and/or visor.
They should carry out daily self-monitoring for fever assessment, cough or difficulty breathing. It will be mandatory to report any change in health status that indicates signs of covid infection, even if tenuous.
Keep the distance between employees and customers and avoid physical contact, including handshakes.
Do not enter and leave the establishments with the uniform of the establishment.
Keep your hair caught.
The excessive use of personal adornments (bracelets, wires, rings, etc.) is not recommended.
Breaks and meal times should not coincide with another colleague to avoid physical proximity in the staff area.
Cleaning professionals should always use personal protective equipment and maintain appropriate precautions in the handling and application of detergents and disinfectants, respecting safety measures, in relation to the cleaning procedures of the spaces, always ensuring good ventilation of the same.
Guests should always wear a mask and/or visor in all common areas of the building, except for breakfast time, so you can eat. If not, the reception offers masks for 5€.
Guests should use the alcohol-gel dispensers, available in the common areas of the building, to keep your hands always disinfected.
Avoid touching the decorative objects.
Keep the distance of 1.5m from other guests and employees, always avoiding physical contact.
They should carry out daily self-monitoring for fever assessment, cough or difficulty breathing. It will be mandatory to report any change in health status that indicates signs of covid infection, even if tenuous.
You can request the help of the staff at any time in order to clarify any questions about the correct security procedures, inside and outside the accommodation, or if you wish to alert you to any irregular situation.
If you wish you can contact the management at reception or via phone/WhatsApp 00351 920 540 207, email sunlighthousehostel@hotmail.com
Cleaning and disinfection products
- Alcohol-Gel is available to disinfect hands at the entrances/exits of the building, as well as in all shared bathrooms and breakfast area.
- We have liquid soap for hand washing and paper wipes, in all sanitary facilities.
- Members to staff will have exclusive access to the chemical storage area, prepared to eliminate all potential outbreaks of viral contamination. Employees will be responsible for cleaning and disinfecting any outbreak of contagion and should be alerted by the guest (at the reception), if necessary to intervene.
All employees will have access to disposable masks and gloves, as well as visors, gowns and blouses that should be sanitized at the end of each working day. The cleaning (washing at least 60ºC) of the individual parts of the uniform will be the responsibility of the respective employee.
Employees should bring a change of clothes to ensure that there will be no contamination of outer clothing for uniform and vice versa. They will change at the beginning and end of each shift, individually, in the staff area.
The Management will make disposable masks available for a value of 5 €, to customers who need it to enter the building.
General Procedures
Each area/room should be cleaned and sanitized by only one employee, avoiding simultaneity of colleagues.
Trash should be removed from each of the areas/rooms daily, even if they are not full.
Common areas and elevator
All common areas of the building are disinfected a minimum of three times a day, including elevator booth, door handles and all hand contact areas. In each area there will be a cleaning log sheet that will be filled in by the daily cleaning officer.
The sheets are washed at high temperatures (+60 degrees) by a company specialized in the sterilization of hospitality clothing.
The room is completely disinfected after the guest's stay.
Shared WCs
The shared bathrooms are cleaned and disinfected properly several times a day and have alcohol-gel and disposable wipes so that the guest can perform a self-disinfection of the contact areas if necessary.
For safety reasons, at the moment, the kitchen and its utensils (except the refrigerator) are forbidden to guests, as a temporary measure, to minimize the risk of cross-contamination, because after breakfast, all utensils are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected by the staff. We appreciate your understanding.
Terrace and living room
All objects are cleaned and disinfected every day. The guest must ensure that the maintenance of the level of cleaning and disinfection of common objects is not compromised, minimizing direct physical contact with them.
Management appoints a member of staff on a daily basis who will be responsible for triggering contingency plan procedures in case of suspected infection. This employee will accompany the person with symptoms to the isolation space, provide him with the necessary assistance and contact the national health service.
The guest must remain in his/her room, avoid physical contact with other guests or staff members and immediately communicate with staff via email(sunlighthousehostel@hotmail.com),phone / WhatsApp (00351 920540207) to receive support and instructions regarding the following steps:
Guests should contact the COVID national line for screening: 00351 808 24 24 24 24. If necessary the management will make the contact by the client.
The guest must remain self-isolated in his/her room until a potential infection is lost, or until there is an express medical instruction to leave the building.
If the process is extended and involves the extension of your original booking period, a support kit with bottled water, packaged food products, a surgical mask, disposable gloves, thermometer and waste bags will be provided. The kit will be delivered at an hour previously combined with management, by a staff member, in a bag. The bag will be left at the bedroom door, so that the guest can pick it up as soon as the developer leaves the area. During this period, the guest should carefully place all the waste in the waste bag daily and seal it properly, with a knot in the opening, preventing any sharp object from breaking it. The waste bag will be collected daily, at an hour to be arranged, by a staff member assigned to accompany the guest.
If the infection by COVID19 is confirmed, the guest and companion will be monitored throughout the process of confinement by management, via WhatsApp, telephone or email, minimizing the risk of contamination. The guest should only leave the premises after the consent of the doctor assigned to follow the case, by the services of the General Directorate of Health.
The guest will be responsible for changing their bed linen, which will be provided in a laundry bag, in which they must carefully put on used bed linen and leave prepared and properly closed, to be collected in an hour to be combined..
Any act of failure to comply with the imposed rules will not be tolerated and the authorities responsible will be contacted to take care of the occurrence.
The guest will be responsible for the costs of extending the original stay. The cost of the overnight stay will be equal to the average cost of the overnight stay of the original reservation and must be paid on the day of check-out.
One/two staff members will be assigned to assist the guest during the investigation process and eventual confinement of the guest and companion. These members will switch schedules with other employees, avoiding direct physical contact in common areas and reserved for staff, such as BackOffice and locker room.
The uniform /work linen should be worn only once and should ensure that it is washed at temperatures above 60ºC
Daily responsibilities (all these tasks should be performed using visor, mask and gloves that should be disposable immediately after the task):
Prepare and deliver the guest support kit daily by placing it in a plastic bag: bottled water, packaged food products, a surgical mask, disposable gloves, thermometer and waste bags. All of them will be stored in BackOffice.
Removal of the waste bag from the guest's room, directly into the public undifferentiated waste, at the end of the day.
Deliver and Collect the bed linen, inside a laundry bag, avoiding shaking or shaking it, without touching the body and transporting it directly to the location in the designated BackOffice for this purpose.
Both the garbage bag and the laundry bag will be left outside the bedroom door to be collected without any contact with the guest as soon as the guest closes the door again.
Any extraordinary situation should be immediately reported to management.
Incidents should be recorded respectivain the following.
At the end of the confinement period, the room should be aired for a minimum of 48 hours and all objects must be immaculately disinfected and the cushions replaced with new ones.